Have you ever used alphas to add detail to your substance painter projects? Did you notice that adding the details took 10 minutes, while masking them out and adding materials to them took hours?
This substance painter tool lets you add custom masks to use together with any Alpha, so instead of having to mask out details for every stamp you make you can now create a mask once and use it infinite times.
Included is also 30 Alphas with masks, so you can try it out right away as well as use them in your projects.
Tutorial now available -
Alpha sets with masks included
Ornament Alphas Vol.1 -
Alphas -
Hard-Surface Alphas Vol.3 -
- Add up to 4 ID masks in one mask texture file.
Tool Settings
Normal intensity - Change intensity of Normals.
AO intensity - Change intensity of AO.
AO quality - Choose between low to high quality AO.
Color - Change color for each ID Mask.
Roughness - Change roughness for each ID Mask.
Edge roughness - Change edge roughness intensity.
Metalness - Change Metalness for each ID Mask.
Mask selection - Adjust ID Mask selection rate.
Opacity - Switch on/off individual ID masks.
Links & Info
Artstation -
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- Info about file names, JRO is a short for Jonas Ronnegard and is added to make it easier to find, at the end of a brush it can say in or out, in means that the alpha is meant to push into the mesh and out means it's supposed to push out of the mesh.
- The tool can be a bit heavy on low spec machines, best way to make it faster is to run the project in a lower resolution while stamping then increase it at export. Also make sure to turn off any GPU heavy processes before launching such as Photoshop or substance designer.
- The tool was exported from substance Painter 2017.1.0, so you will need to have that version or above to use it.
Since this is a tool where you can use any alphas I think this is a good opportunity for other alpha creators to create masks for their own alphas and include them when they sell or share them, so for anyone interested this product will be available for a 25% affiliate, so if you want to link to this tool please contact me and I can set you up.
Alexey Kudryavtsev
Portfolio -
Jonas Ronnegard
Portfolio -