*Please read the whole product description*
This a collection of my current and future library of hard surface products, such as Alphas, ZBrush Brushes, Kitbash & IMM, Smart Materials, Decals and References, also a tutorial on how I create my hard surface alphas and how to create your own.
This is an early access "Live" release, so not all products are available from start, You can see all planned product releases below, and I will release new updates constantly until all products have been completed.
Everyone that buys this product during it's early access status will also get vip member status on the JROTools Discord server where I can go into more detail about releases and also get your feedback and take requests, I also hope to use this platform to mentor and help other artists with their work, as well as sharing art and have friendly chats.
For people that already own some or all of my existing products that is included in this collection please don`t worry about not getting your moneys worth, I have set it up so that it`s still cheaper to buy this collection even if you already own all of my existing products, the total single product price for this collection is $210 and when only counting the unreleased products it would still be $159, so even if you already own all of my current hard surface products you are still saving $34 as well as getting access to the private discord, it might also help having all products in the same place. The price of the collection will go up once more products get finished so it pays of to get in early.
Updates will normally be released weekly on either Tuesdays or Wednesdays, I will announce updates on both mail, Discord and my Facebook page.
In Progress
[Alphas] - Hard-Surface Vol.3 + Masks [Updated 2022.6.14]
[ZBrush] - Cable/Pipe Brushes Vol.1[Updated 2020.4.29]
[Tiles] - Hard-Surface Tiles Vol.1 + Masks [Updated 2020.2.19]
[Alphas] - Hard-Surface Damage Alphas Vol.1 + Masks
[Kitbash] - Hard-Surface Alpha Creation + Tutorial
[SPMaterial] - Hard-Surface Materials Vol.1
[SPTool] - Light Stamps Vol.2
[SPTool] - Hard-Surface Seam/Trim Brushes Vol.1
[Decals] - Basic Vol.2
[Decals] - SF logos Vol.1
[Refs] - Hard-Surface Details Vol.2
[Refs] - Hard-Surface Textures Vol.1
[Refs] - Industrial Vol.1
[Refs] - Hard-Surface Details Vol.2
Standalone product DL -
[Kitbash] - Hard-Surface Kitbash Vol.1
Standalone product DL -
[Decals] - Signs Vol.2
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[Refs] - Hard-Surface Details Vol.1
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[Decals] - Military Vol.1
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[Decals] - UI/HUD Vol.1
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[Decals] - Basic Vol.1
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[Decals] - Signs Vol.1
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[Alphas] - Hard-Surface Vol.1
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[Alphas] - Hard-Surface Vol.2
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[ZBrush] - Scifi Trims Vol.1
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[SPTools] - Electronic Stamps Vol.1
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[SPTools] - Light Stamps Vol.1
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[SPTools] - MaskedAlphas
Standalone product DL -
Detailed product descriptions below.
Why this format
The reason why I choose to go with this format is mainly because I want to be able to release content faster, and with this setup I can more easily release the content that I have finished without the whole set and presentation being finished. I can also choose what to work on depending on the ideas that I currently have.
Another reason for doing this is that it allows me to see how much interest people have in the product and what I should prioritize, it also allows the customer to give feedback and make requests, so if you take part in the early access there is a chance you will get access to additional files that didn't make the final cut.
I have also wanted to start some sort of community with discord, a place to share ideas and feedback and have friendly chats between artists.
- Instructions on how to join the Discord server is written in a PDF included with the collection.
- Official chat language is English but I'm also available for private chat in Japanese and Swedish.
- It's not a requirement to join the discord group, you can just check your mail or access the product in your library for updates.
Product Descriptions
In Progress
[Alphas] - Hard-Surface Vol.3 + Masks
350+ Alphas with masks for use with the masked alphas tool for Substance Painter. Alphas can be used with any software that works with alphas such as ZBrush, Mixer, Substance Painter/Designer. Will also add some re baked alphas from Vol.1 and Vol.2 with masks.
[Alphas] - Hard-Surface Damage Alphas Vol.1 + Masks
50+ custom sculpted alphas of damaged hard-surface parts such as ship hulls and bullet holes, Includes masks for use with the masked alphas tool for Substance Painter. Alphas can be used with any software that uses alphas such as ZBrush, Mixer, Substance Painter/Designer.
[Kitbash] - Hard-Surface Alpha Creation kitbash + Tutorial
Kitbash pieces and tutorial aimed to teach and help you create hard-surface alphas yourself. The kitbash parts are base parts you can use with your own designs to create alphas. In the tutorial I will explain my alpha creation workflow and how to use the kitbash parts.
[ZBrush] - Cable Brushes Vol.1
100+ Brushes for ZBrush, similar to the SF trim brushes but with cables and pipes.
[Tiles] - Hard-Surface Tiles Vol.1 + Masks
100+ hard-surface tiles 4096x4096 with masks.
[SPMaterial] - Hard-Surface Materials Vol.1
20+ Smart materials for Substance Painter focusing on hard-surface materials such as different metals, painted metals, rubber and more.
[SPTool] - Light Stamps Vol.2
Volume 2 of the Substance Painter light stamp tool, 15+ editable light stamps
[Decals] - Basic Vol.2
200 Basic decals, SVG and PNG vector files + alphas for use with software such as Substance painter and ZBrush.
[Decals] - SF logos Vol.1
100+ Scifi logo decals, SVG and PNG vector files + alphas for use with software such as Substance painter and ZBrush.
[Refs] - Hard-Surface Textures Vol.1
200+ images of flat hard surface textures,45.7MP (8256 x 5504)
[Refs] - Industrial Vol.1
300+ Industrial images, pipelines, factories etc,45.7MP (8256 x 5504)
[Kitbash] - Hard-Surface Kitbash Vol.1
300+ hard-surface kitbash parts that can be used as both midpoly and subdiv, the parts are kept simple and focuses on big shapes rather than details to make the parts more neutral and fit better into different art styles, and easy to decorate with alpha details. OBJ and FBX files for use with any major 3D software.
Standalone product DL -
[Decals] - Signs Vol.2
100+ Sign decals, SVG and PNG vector files + alphas for use with software such as Substance painter and ZBrush.
Standalone product DL -
[Refs] - Hard-Surface Details Vol.1
360+ reference images of interesting hard surface details, 45.7MP (8256 x 5504)
Standalone product DL -
[Refs] - Hard-Surface Details Vol.2
380+ reference images of interesting hard surface details, 45.7MP (8256 x 5504)
Standalone product DL -
[Decals] - Military Vol.1
100+ Military decals, SVG and PNG vector files + alphas for use with software such as Substance painter and ZBrush.
Standalone product DL -
[Decals] - UI/HUD Vol.1
100+ UI decals, SVG and PNG vector files + alphas for use with software such as Substance painter and ZBrush.
Standalone product DL -
[Decals] - Basic Vol.1
200 Basic decals, SVG and PNG vector files + alphas for use with software such as Substance painter and ZBrush.
Standalone product DL -
[Decals] - Signs Vol.1
100+ Sign decals, SVG and PNG vector files + alphas for use with software such as Substance painter and ZBrush.
Standalone product DL -
[Alphas] - Hard-Surface Vol.1
325 hard-surface alphas that can be used with any software that works with alphas such as ZBrush, Mixer, Substance Painter/Designer.
Standalone product DL -
[Alphas] - Hard-Surface Vol.2
350 hard-surface alphas that can be used with any software that works with alphas such as ZBrush, Mixer, Substance Painter/Designer.
Standalone product DL -
[ZBrush] - Scifi Trims Vol.1
250 Scifi trim brushes and alphas for ZBrush.
Standalone product DL -
[SPTools] - Electronic Stamps Vol.1
80 customizable hard-surface stamps for Substance Painter.
Standalone product DL -
[SPTools] - Light Stamps Vol.1
15 customizable light stamps for Substance Painter.
Standalone product DL -
[SPTools] - MaskedAlphas
Substance Painter tool that allows you to add a custom mask to your alphas, some of my alpha sets includes masks that works with this tool.
Standalone product DL -
License Info
The products can not be sold or shared in their original form and must be embedded components in media such as a video games, vfx etc.
JROTools Discord
JROTools Youtube
JROTools Artstation Preview
JROTools Facebook
JROTools Artstation
- Please do keep in mind that this is an early access live product and that all products that are listed are not available from start.
- Updates to the collection will normally be on Tuesdays or Wednesdays, usually weekly or at least once a month if not mentioned otherwise, If delays due to sickness or other circumstances occurs I will inform everyone through the discord or by mail.
- Please note that even though I hope to mentor and help out as much as possible through the discord group, I can't promise instant replies and long conversations as my main work and goal with this collection is to produce content, but when ever I have time I will happily help out as much as I can.
- Later on if a product seems to not be popular and most of the users want to see a different product I might put it up to a vote and if the majority of users want another product instead i will go with that.