gun Smart Materials
Categories :
Gun_Rubber Grip •Bullet & Case •Charcoal Bluing Meta •iron_rough black
iron_old rusty•knurled Metal •Metal_Desert Tan •plastic grainy black
Plastic_Gun Grip •Polymer_Desert Tan Worn •Redwood •Steel Brushed Dark
Steel rough •Steel_ Matte Black •Steel_Paint Rusty •Steel_Worn aged
Tank Rusty Metal •Wood Red Oak •Wood Walnut
Advantage of this package:
- Each layer has the correct name
- Not heavy
- Customizable
- High-quality preview
Copy the file smart materials ".spsm " into your Substance Painter shelf folder
*This material ONLY be used within the latest version of Substance painter
*Made with Substance Painter 2020.2.1
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