Hi everyone !
I am really happy, after all these years or you ask me, to offer you my first personalized photoshop brush pack!
Sorry for the wait ! ;)
This Pack contains 8 custom brushes created by me, as well as 3 free brushes found on the internet. They are free, because i obvioulsy don't want to capitalize on the work of other artists, but being brushes that I've been using for a long time I wanted to share them with you.
In this pack, you will get :
-8 Customs brush
- 3 bonusFreebrush grabbed on internet ( If you have source of them, i will update the post to credit artists who created them )
This is a first brush pack usefull for my "Oil painting" style, for smooth and aerial blending/painting.
The brushes can be used with the finger tool, you can manage the settings so that they are adapted to your way of painting.
ENJOY ! :)