- This Product include 110 Ornament Kitbash Brushes/ 3D Models/ IMM/ VDM Vol 04
These brushes can be used for any program that works with alphas and height maps.
I tried to make an optimal and light product, I hope it will make your cartoon faster and more beautiful.
Information about this product:
- IMM Brush (( ZBrush ))
- VDM Brush (( ZBrush -Alpha))
- TIF Alpha (4K)
- Asset Browser File (( Blender )) ver :3.5
- 3D Max 2015
- 130 min Low Poly modeling training in 3ds Max (1080p)
(( All models are Unwrapped ))
The first 7 models of this product, which include dragon models and... in alpha high poly files.
Only included in 3D model files with less poly for ease of use.
Note :
To use the ZBrush brushes you need to use at least ZBrush 2018.1
similar products:
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120 Ornament Brush +3DModel + IMM Brush - VOL 02
180 Ornament Brush +3DModel + IMM Brush - VOL 03
130 Ornament Kitbash Brushes/ Alphas/ Models/ VDM Vol 05
- You can see and buy more similar products in my partner's market OMiD Mousakhani .
Ornament brushes + 3D Models + 4, PBR Textures
Ornament IMM & Standard Brushes+3D model+ Alpha 4K (V.03)
Ornament IMM & Standard Brushes+3D model+ Alpha 4K (V.04)
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Please rate and review this Product. It could be very helpful for us,Thanks
Mail : eragon624@
Instagram : @eragon624
Thank You Very Much!