61 Zbrush clothing brushes + alphas Vol. 4
Product information:
- 61 brushes total
- ZBPformat
- PNGformat
- PSDformat
- TIFFformat
- JPG format
The brushes were created in Zbrush 2023& may not work on an older version, only the alphas could be usable so use at your own risk if you have an older version!
- Unzip the folder
- Place the unzipped folder inside your Brushesfolder located in your Zbrush installation directory.
- Use Lightboxto access the new brushes & alphas
Most alphas can be used in their inverted state as well, holding alt and dragging inside of Zbrush.
The alphas can also be used in other software like Blender, Adobe Photoshop, Substance Painteretc.
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