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Make sure to use Zbrush 2022.0.8 or later. OBJs are provided for other software like Blender, Maya, 3ds Max etc.
These are un-textured high poly sculpts/3D models. All have been decimated as much as possible without sacrificing detail.
MAC users - sometimes the default unzip utility has issues with large zip files. Simply use Unarchiver instead: to unzip.
- 65 high-detail horns 3D model sculpts for quick design, idea generation, kitbashing or 3D printing etc
- Zbrush Master Subtool file housing all 65 Horns and one example head from DEMON Part 1: Heads
- Zbrush Insert Mesh (IMM) brush housing all 65 Horns
- OBJs : Each horn as separate mesh/files
- Visual chart/guide for the horns
About Licensing - Artstation has a bug where "Click here to read the custom EULA" always states the Standard License details - this should be ignored - read the text underneath each license instead.
Higher res art here :
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