In this tutorial Li Rui will show you his character concepting workflow in Photoshop, as well as provide you with a set of custom brushes that he uses for the tutorial and his everyday work, you also get the Photoshop working file.
The tutorial is 2 hours long with commentary in English plus subtitles for extra clarity.
More preview images/videos -
- Main Tutorial - 2 hours
- 9 custom brushes for Photoshop
- Photoshop working file
Software that was used in this tutorials.
- Photoshop cc
License Info
Please buy one license per viewer and user, or buy a educational/company license for unlimited viewers in one company/school or event location. Good for schools to use as extra learning material for it's students, company workshops or public viewings.
License Types
Single User License - this license is for one person only you can use/watch it on multiple devices but only one person should have access to it.
Educational/Company License (Unlimited) - Unlimited number of viewers/users at one school/company or event location.
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- Pay $6 or what you think it`s worth.
- Please note that this is not a step by step tutorial.
Li Rui
Artstation -
Editing & Presentation
Jonas Ronnegard