Camo Generator “sbsar” + 43 PBR Camo Textures
- Get "CamoGenerator".
- Download anddrag in "substance player" or "Substance Painter" or other programs support "sbsar".
- Generateinfinite camouflage textures.
Contains 15 different Sets to make camouflage. You can change colors and pattern scale and variation of each pattern.
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Texture set:
- 43 n
- PBR 1K/ 2K/ 4K
- jpeg / png
- Base color-Ambient Occlusion-Normal-Height
Define Parameters:
Camo Set:
15 Camo set. There are the following controllers for each pattern:
- “Scale Pattern” Scale of the pattern.
- “Range of pattern” Control pattern border.
- “Variation Pattern” More than 1000 types.
- “Color Pattern” Color of the pattern.
- “Opacity Pattern” Opacity of pattern.
- “DetailAmount” is The number of details or breakage or fine grains.
make "Pixelation" Item "True" and Get a Pixelized version of your camo.
- The number and size of pixels are set by “pixel Amount”.
Fabric Alpha:
CamoGenerator also contains 10 different Fabric Alpha.
- “AO intensity” The effectiveness of AmbientOcclusion.
- “AO Height Depth” and “AO Radius” control height and radius of AmbientOcclusion.
- “Alpha Intensity” controls normal intensity.
- “Alpha Rotation” Rotate alpha pattern.
- “Fabric Alpha Scale” Scale of the alpha pattern.
Wrinkles Parameters:
“Height Detail Intensity” and “Height Detail Number” control the intensity and number of small wrinkles that are applied to NormalMap.
Parameters “Wrinkles Intensity” and “Wrinkles Number” control the intensity and number of larger wrinkles that are applied to HeightMap.
SBSAR files can be used directly inside programs like Substance Painter, Unreal Engine4, Maya, 3DSMax, or Cinema4D. Inside these programs, you can change the texture parameters without the need to export all the maps. Also, you can export maps up to 16K resolution.
If you have any questions, be sure to let me know.