This Material Pack is a collection of various (8 category) Leathers procedurally made in substance designer and substance painter.
• These materials can be used in Substance Painter 2019.1.0 and above.
• The Preview Mesh above is not included in this package
These materials are made for all types of Leather objects. just play with parameters to achieve a good result ! You can also combine the Materials with masks .
Please rate and review this Product! It could be very helpful for us, and we appreciate that!
-Package contains :
75 .spsm Files (smart materials) fully named and categorized
- 14 Old/Damaged Leathers
- 7 Black Leathers
- 26 Brown Leathers
- 8 Burgundy Leather
- 4 Green Leathers
- 5 Colored Leathers
- 3 Metallic Leathers
- 8 Light Leathers
150 PNG Rendered Previews (2 Samples each)
28 Sbsar Base Material Files+Previews ( you can use them in substance painter-Substance designer or export their maps in substance player which is a free software you can download )
Again ! Please rate and review this Product ! It helps us to improve our product and match them with your needs !
Hope you enjoy.
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