This is an Early Access product for 100+ Hard-Surface height tiles for use with ZBrush, Substance Painter etc.
Mask files are also included, check out the tutorial below.
masking tiles in Substance Painter -
- 100+ Hard-Surface height tiles, (Currently 73 finished)
- 4096 x 4096 16-bit.
- PSD, Tiff, PNG, Jpeg.
- Mask files
Hard-Surface Collection
This product is a part of a bigger collection of Hard-Surface tools, buy the collection and save a total of $85
License Info
The content in this product can not be re sold or shared in their original state and must be embedded components in media such as a video game, movies etc.
Links & Info
JROTools - Artstation
JROTools - Discord
JROTools - Youtube
JROTools - Facebook
JROTools - Twitter
JROTools - Instagram
- Please note that this is an early access product and that not all files are included from start and will be added as they get finished, please subscribe to make sure you get the update emails.