Customizable 100% Substance Designer Wicker weave materials.
This materials were made for 4k resolution.
In this product you can find 14 customizable materials with it's graphs (.sbs files). There are 5 different weave materials, that can be a base for a wide range of weave patterns, 4 circular weave patterns to cover basket's floor and 4 simple weave patterns to cover basket's and props edges. One rope material. There are also .sbsar files for Substance Painter and 4k textures. Graphs are organized for better understanding.
Recommended Substance Designer version - 12.4.1 or newer
- 70 4k textures (5 for each of 14 materials)
- 5 .sbsar files (for rope material, for different straw/thread/leave weaves). Each .sbsar file contains multiple materials.
- 10 .sbs files: 5 of them - with parameters and 5 - without parameters for better understanding how ghraphs were built